LHC(Large Hadron Collider) is built at CERN, Genevva, Switzerland. Its the largest machine in the world to study the interaction of elementary particle. Its the most expensive experiment on the earth hoping to start work in the end of year 2009. The Circumference of the LHC is 27 Km. The LHC is designed to accelerate the proton in the opposite direction and the proton-proton collision takes place at the 4 detector designed at LHC. The energy the proton can reach in 7 TEV. So the proton proton collision takes place at the Centre of mass energy of 14 Tev.

The LHC has 4 detectors CMS, ATLAS, ALICE and LHCb at which the scattering events will takes place. The Indian scientist are working at CMS.

The proton proton collision at 14 tev will produce lots of heavy particle and the main task of scientist is to look for Higgs particle which is defined by the Standard Model in Particle physics.
Also the Supersymmetric particles and large extra dimensions search is the main goal in this experiment.
The Scattering event will look like this.