Sunday, August 16, 2020


I found various types of mushroom in the Konkan region of Mahrashtra. Mushrooms are usually classified as edible and non-edible mushrooms. Following are the types of mushroom and their names obtained from sources available on web.

1. Omphalotus olearius

These mushrooms are Omphalotus species contain contain the toxin illudin S. These are poisonous mushrooms and harmful to humans [1]. I did not observe any bioluminescence in this mushroom. 

2. Indian fleshy white mushrooms

These mushrooms grows on the tree trunk and are white in colour. The genus is Pleurotus.

3. Termitomyces tylerianus

The mushrooms are in the genus 
Termitomyces.  These are edible mushrooms and found in Konkan region of Maharashtra, India. They grow on the termite hills. These mushrooms are mostly consumed as food.

[1] Wikipedia contributors. (2020, June 15). Omphalotus olearius. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:17, August 16, 2020, from

[2] Wikipedia contributors. (2020, June 17). Termitomyces. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:46, August 16, 2020, from

[3] Wikipedia contributors. (2018, March 21). Termitomyces tylerianus. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 14:46, August 16, 2020, from

Monday, April 13, 2015

Net Neutrality: Is net really neutral?

TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) is looking at the possibility of introducing a right to an internet service provider (ISP) to vary a speed or charge an extra amount to use a certain services on internet according to choice of ISP. The choice of ISP will essentially based on a financial gain that ISP gets.  The user will no longer have a control over the choice to access particular website for free or to access all the websites at the same data speed.

When we think about a variation of speed which violates the Net Neutrality, we should see if an internet is really a neutral in true sense. Internet is a network where all computers in the world are connected to each other using a network. ISP provides a network infrastructure to connect all computers which we call a internet. 

Now there are leading companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter etc who are providing a popular services to the people via internet. Companies like these have a necessary infrastructure to provide search engines and social networking experience to internet users. These companies fall in the category of Software infrastructure. So network infrastructure and  software infrastructure are two important part of internet. 

The software infrastructure has a liberty of charging money from advertisers to show their website or advertisement on search engines or on social networking sites. Do these advertised base priority is violating net neutrality? Another question that arises is, Can we keep the network infrastructure and software infrastructure in the same footing so that we can question the Net Neutrality of internet in both aspects? In the point of view of users we need to see if we have options other than well established enterprises in both network and software infrastructure? Can we built something like open source social networking sites or search engines (like Wikipedia or Linux OS) to avoid these issues to keep software infrastructure to be a neutral?

These question need be answered and then only we can question the violation of Net Neutrality in true sense.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Sunday, December 25, 2011

High Energy Physics Phenomenology

Area of the work is Theoretical High Energy Physics. The more specific area of work is collider physics phenomenology [1]. The phenomenology in High Energy Physics require the computational technique. The main task is to calculate the scattering cross section for the particular scattering process. The cross section involves the phase space integration. The phase space integration is done using the Monte Carlo integration technique [2]. The FORTRAN and C++ program for Monte Carlo are available. The processes where the many particles in the final state will have the as many phase space integrations as the particles in the final states. Such processes will take time for computation.

At high energy processes the higher order corrections involves the tensor integration and gamma martices multipication. For many number of gamma matrices can be done by writing the program in FORM language [3].

Also the various researchers across the world are writing the packages to make the calculations easy. The current available packages are PYTHIA [4], MadGraph5 [5], HELAS [6], mc@nlo [7], FastJet [8], HERWEG [9]. MadGraph is the event generator [11]. Event generater calculate the matrix element. The calculation of matrix element and cross section involves the phase space calculation. These eevent generater use the monte carlo integration techniques to do integration. To run these packages need the high speed computers.

1) Maxim Perelstein, arXiv:hep-ph/1002.0274.
2) F. Ambroglini etal, arXiv:hep-ph/0902.0180.
4) Torbjorn Sjostrand etal, arXiv:hep-ph/0710.3820.
5) Johan Alwall, arXiv:hep-ph/1106.0522.
6) K. Mawatari, arXiv:hep-ph/1101.1289.
7) S. Frixione etal, arXiv:hep-ph/0601192.
9) Matteo Cacciari, arXiv:hep-ph/0607071.
10) G. Corecella, arXiv:hep-ph/0011363.
11) Andy Buckley, arXiv:hep-ph/1101.2599

Sunday, October 25, 2009

LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at CERN

LHC(Large Hadron Collider) is built at CERN, Genevva, Switzerland. Its the largest machine in the world to study the interaction of elementary particle. Its the most expensive experiment on the earth hoping to start work in the end of year 2009. The Circumference of the LHC is 27 Km. The LHC is designed to accelerate the proton in the opposite direction and the proton-proton collision takes place at the 4 detector designed at LHC. The energy the proton can reach in 7 TEV. So the proton proton collision takes place at the Centre of mass energy of 14 Tev.

The LHC has 4 detectors CMS, ATLAS, ALICE and LHCb at which the scattering events will takes place. The Indian scientist are working at CMS.

The proton proton collision at 14 tev will produce lots of heavy particle and the main task of scientist is to look for Higgs particle which is defined by the Standard Model in Particle physics.

Also the Supersymmetric particles and large extra dimensions search is the main goal in this experiment.

The Scattering event will look like this.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

RAIGAD visit 02/08/2009

Our Group at RAIGAD.

We all started move to Raigad fort base at early morning  at 5.30 am bus from the Mahad bus depot in Raigad district. Bus reaches to the point where we have to walk to raigad at 7.00 am. We had breakfast there and stareted move towards Raidad fort. The slogan of encouragement was हर हर महादेव. Fog and clouds in the way was making elctric atmosphere. As it was the rainy season we got one waterfall on the way. The seanory around was beautiful. We reach at mahadarawaja (Main enetance door of fort) at 8.00 am. From there the Rajwada and Rajdarbar was  20 min away. On the way we have seen "Ganga Sagar" which is the largest watersource at Raigad fort. Finally we reach at Rajdarbar. The architect of Rajdarbar must be really great. The huage statue of Shiwaji RAJE is built there (picture 1).

Then we reached to steepest cliff of Raigad fort called Takmak tok point. TAKMAK point was relly facinating. Raigad is at that point and the fantastic view and fast blowing wind was the speciality of takmak point. Then we move to Mahadeo mandir and Samadhi of Raje. The atmosphere around was pleasent. Cloudes around making most of the things invisible. After having the "Pithala Bakari" at the one of the residence at raigad we made our move to the return way.

Chatrapati Shiwaji Maharaj


RAIGAD VISIT 02/08/2009